
Car Accident Attorney? You Don't Need An Attorney IF

Car Accident Attorney? You Don't Need a personal injury attorney... 

I'm going to tell you when you may not need a personal injury attorney or car accident attorney in any car accident slip and fall or other cases I'm also going to tell you when you may need an attorney I'm going to give you an example showing how much attorneys can save you when we're starting right now. 

Car Accident Attorney in San Antonio Taxas and in Florida

A randon Car Accident photo from stock edit by rzrgamingyt

You May does not need a lawyer or car accident attorney if this happens 

the first situation that you may not need an accident attorney if you're not badly hurt for example if you're in a car accident and you have minor pain but you don't feel that you have any need to see a doctor in many instances you may not need to hire a personal injury attorney or car accident, attorney

 Does Progressive offer money fast?

In fact, one insurance company progressive is the only insurance company that I'm aware of that will make an offer to you in a car accident case when you have not even received medical treatment this is big news because in a state like Florida you typically need a permanent injury most car accident cases to get money for pain and suffering so have to give progressive a little bit of credit for offering money even if you haven't received medical treatment however that's the only thing good about progressive there are otherwise very very cheap now if you've been in a car accident even if you haven't received medical treatment if you have a newer car and someone else is at fault and you're making a claim against them you may still need a personal injury attorney or car accident attorney to prove your diminished value claim that is the loss in value to your car after someone else caused your accident.

Hit and run accident claims

The second situation where you may not need a personal injury attorney or car accident attorney is if you were hit by, a hit and run driver or by an uninsured driver and you do not have access were entitled to uninsured motorist insurance coverage the reason why you may not need a personal injury attorney or car accident attorney in this situation is if you're hit by a hit and run driver or someone who's uninsured there's really no money to get from them because yes you can take the case against an uninsured driver to trial but you're gonna get a judgment which is a sheet of paper that gets filed with the court if the person has no money you're gonna have a very tough time collecting from them and if you don't have uninsured motorist insurance then there's really not any collectible source that's going to pay you for your injuries the one caution that I'll say here is that don't assume that you automatically do not have uninsured motorist insurance. Or certain cases where you may be entitled to uninsured motorist I've had clients who've rented cars before and weren't aware that they purchased insurance coverage that included uninsured motorist insurance now let's look at some situations where you may be able to gain a huge benefit by having a personal injury attorney. 

What if your co-worker is 100% liable in a car accident?

The first is a little bit of common sense if you're badly injured in a bike or car accident',  this is because the value of your case is primarily based on how badly you are injured in a car accident if you're very badly injured all things equal the full value of your case is going to be higher than if you're not injured if you're badly injured there's a lot more at stake and given that medical bills and not being able to work are the 2 largest causes of bankruptcy in the United States of America you need to take a big injury case very seriously.

Let me give you an example I represented a Pedestrian Alice who was walking in the parking lot of a supermarket when a car hit her the car was insured by progressive my client Alice fractured her ankle fortunately she did not need surgery she also had some bruising to her face now at first progressive assigned an insurance adjuster and he made a $50000 offer the policy limits of the other cars bodily injury liability coverage was $100000 and I told that adjuster I'm not even going to waste my time making a counteroffer with you we want the $0 sometime after that progressive changed insurance adjusters they assigned a large loss adjuster that's an adjuster,

who handles larger claims and we began discussions with him now you can see his linked in the profile that he had 22 years of claims handling experience that means that he's likely held over 5000 personal injury claims in other words he's the LeBron James of insurance adjusters now if you're badly injured in car accident like my client Alice with a broken ankle these insurance adjusters are some of the most seasoned and experienced negotiators you will ever encounter now when you have a claim against a large loss adjuster like Greg in this case and it just like this. Can pick up on one work one Stephen you make in that distracted that we cut the value of your case

Dealing with large loss adjusters (car accident attorney do can Injury Claims)

Insurance companies love to save money by paying out less for claims you can look at this document here where a guy called a high-level employee was writing up his report to a supervisor and he was proud that the payments for bodily injury liability and uninsured motorist insurance were lower than the year before they love to save money and that means you're getting less money in your pocket.

Here's another reason to hire a personal injury attorney or a car accident attorney and insurance Research Council studies to show that attorneys were able to get 3.5 times the amount of money in personal injury cases against bodily injury liability policies than people without a car accident attorney the average total bodily injury payments to injured individuals was $16658 with a personal injury attorney or a car accident attorney and without a car accident attorney with only $4699.

GEICO employees thoughts when they paid LESS

Part of that reason I imagine it's because a personal injury attorney or a car accident attorney is able to get the client to the appropriate doctors who can diagnose them with their injuries so will an insurance company try to delay Suddenly if you don't have a car accident attorney.

Do personal injury attorneys or car accident attorneys can get 3.5x bigger payouts than no lawyer?

let's look at an insurance Research Council study that asked the question why did you decide to talk to a car accident attorney about your injury claim 15 percent of the time that respondents said that, they decided to talk with a personal injury attorney or a car accident attorney because the insurance company was delaying their settlement so I said that you should definitely get a car accident attorney if you're badly injured in a car accident, what do I consider a bad injury well for sure surgery if you've had surgery after a car accident where someone else is at fault that typically leads to some of the largest payouts out there there's no guarantee you're going to get a huge payout because sometimes they'll be no insurance in a case or perhaps you are 100 percent at fault I know I look at my past cases and I found something very interesting.

Longer to settle without personal injury attorneys or car accident attorneys

In most cases that set up for $100000 or more, my clients had surgery specifically in about 75 percent of cases my clients had surgery where the settlement was $100000. And of course, that is a massive injury it's the worst thing that can happen in many broken bones can also be serious injury so can a serious hair of a ligament or joint if you suffer a serious burn or permanent and significant scarring or disfigurement that is the big injuries while when you're searching for a personal injury attorney I recommend you hire one with about 15 years or more experience you need an attorney who understands settlement values and how much cases are worth it takes a long time to really get a good understanding about how much a case is worth.

Does surgery get you a $100K payout?

Now in another case, I settled my client's case for $445000 he broke his leg beneath the knee and he also had a finger fracture that had surgery on that he did have surgery on his leg fracture now in that case the adjuster first offer was $100000 and that was to an attorney now we ultimately settled its case for $445000 now he made that first offer of $100000 to be someone who's an attorney how much would you offer to someone who's not even attorney my guess is gonna be a lot less than $10,0000  what if he does make that $10,0000 offer at some point, I think he's going to like to try to convince the injured person picks up a little bit more than that, in that case, I knew that my clients lower leg fracture and a broken finger with hardware put in it were worth $445000.

Would the adjuster have offered $445K WITHOUT a lawyer?

If you don't do personal injury for a living you may think $100000 is a very generous offer after all the hospital and they're producing my client's hospital bill down from $100000 or so to $15000 or so so he was getting a lot of money in his pocket however I knew that the fair value was $445000 somewhere around there in that range so I negotiated hard to get that $445000 and as you can see my client got $263522 in his pocket now that doesn't factor in a high-interest loan that he took paying that back, however. 

In large injury cases even after the attorney's fees and costs it often makes sense to hire an attorney you can see in this case my client got over $260000 in his pocket at this adjuster may have convinced my client to take $100000 or even less and my client may have done that if he didn't have an attorney one of the advantages of hiring an attorney is that it takes a motion sat at the negotiation when I receive the $100000  offer from the adjuster, in this case, I did not get emotional however my client would receive that same $100000.

He may have told the adjuster oh my god thank you so much for the offer that's a great offer I really appreciate it I just need a little bit more money just give me another 5000 even if you go and try to read on the internet about how much cases are worth there's no substitute to the experience of handling hundreds upon hundreds of cases now in this $445000 settlement after my client hired me we quickly sent a letter to the owner and driver of the tractor-trailer 18 Wheeler that hit my client asking them to preserve the event data recorder and the vehicle itself.

Attorneys AREN'T emotional negotiators (You are!)

It's important to get these letters out very quickly to the outfall party if you hire an attorney who primarily practices personal injury law hopefully they have a case management system I happen to have one myself and once they enter your information the information of the at-fault party and other parties they literally press one button in the case management system and it can generate a letter for example and that tractor-trailer case we needed to send out a letter to the owner and driver of the 18 Wheeler that hit my client once I had my client information in there I click one for blood in it puts all that information into the ladder and the ladder is ready to go that saves you so much stress if you have an attorney doing the work for you instead of you trying to go on the internet find out the right letter to use input all the information in there.

Lawyers have injury claim software 

There are many situations where you may literally have a claim with 5 or more insurance adjusters. This often happens if you were working at the time of the crash if you rented a car at the time of the crash if there were multiple vehicles involved in the crash if you were in someone else's vehicle at the time of the crash you may literally end up dealing with 5 or more insurance adjusters and if you haven't handled hundreds of claims you're not going to know which adjuster is responsible for what 1 insurance company we have a property damage adjuster than they may have a separate P. I. P. adjuster 

they may have a separate uninsured motorist insurance adjuster and they may have a separate bodily injury liability insurance adjuster if you don't quickly know what every one of those coverages means and what the adjusters responsibility is in the case you may get hammered by these insurance companies also in some cases we literally sent out 100 or more emails and letters in case you need to ask yourself if you plan on having the case and you're seriously injured yourself are you prepared to send out 100 letters and emails in that case now I mention that 1 of the reasons to hire an attorney is so you can let the attorney and his staff her staff spent time trying to reach the insurance adjuster.

Speakers with adjusters in injury claims

Listen to the statement from a third party administrator for Walmart he said surveys of adjusters show that even a caseload of just 130 files adjusters consider themselves in reactive mode and being overwhelmed with phone calls data entry and email requests these adjusters are going to be dealing with overwhelmed then you're likely not going to get them on your first call are you prepared to have to call insurance adjusters over and over some of them don't answer the phone you have to leave messages 3,4, or 5 times in order to get a call back from them is that something you're willing to do now in that  $4405000 settlement that I had the adjusters linked in profile said that when he was with State Farm his job required strong powers of persuasion when negotiating I cannot stress it enough that you were negotiation skills are going to be much much worse than a personal injury lawyer even the most seasoned ago sheet or soon to go. 

Other types of cases do very poorly when negotiating personal injury claims the one exception I will say is if that you are a former or current insurance adjuster and you've been doing it for a long time then your negotiation skills are gonna be very similar to a personal injury lawyer that being said even insurance adjusters who want to handle the case themselves may make mistakes because they may not know all the logs there are some things from the plaintiff's side the injured person side of the law that insurance adjusters are clueless on such as how you have to repay your health insurance company and Medicare and Medicaid and the discount you can get for hiring attorney.

Hire a personal injury lawyer or car accident lawyer if you were hurt while working (and someone else is at fault)

which I'll get into in a little bit in another situation where you definitely should hire a personal injury lawyer or car accident lawyer if you were injured in a car accident and someone else is at fault is if you were working at the time of the accident this is because you will likely be entitled to workers compensation insurance and in a state like Florida where I practice the workers' compensation companies going to have the right to recover money from the outfall driver that hit you now the workers' compensation insurance company has to reduce its payback claim from your settlement with the at-fault party by your attorney's fees and costs that can result in major savings,

let me give you an example of a case where my client greatly benefited by having a personal injury lawyer or car accident lawyer he was from Georgia he was in Florida for a work trip he was driving the vehicle another car made a left hand turn into him my client broke his bone beneath the need notice that can be Patel he ultimately had surgery at the hospital was taken by ambulance to the hospital and workers compensation paid over $80000 or so of his medical bills we ended up settling this case for $300000 and I got the workers' compensation insurer to agreed only accept the payback amount of about $12000 then I use the P. I. P. from his rental car to pay off that lean so then we only have to pay workers compensation back a small amount that literally saved my client over $80000 yourself my client Ryan didn't have. 

An attorney, in that case, the workers' compensation insurance company would not have been required to reduce its payback claimed by his attorneys' fees and costs because you would not have had a lawyer that's a major saving when you settle personal injury case don't just think about the front end of the settlement which is what most people talk about a what you see on billboards which is I settle my case for $30000 think about what other benefits can you get from the attorney in terms of reducing your medical bills and health insurance lean the amount that the health insurance is paid for your bills at the end of the case and I'm not just talking about what an attorney can negotiate these down for I'm talking about losses will get a 20 minute where the health insurance company or other insurers are required by law to reduce their payback amount.

if you were in a car accident and you are entitled to medical payments coverage which is optional insurance coverage in the state of Florida or in san Antonio texas where I practice you should definitely get a personal injury lawyer or car accident lawyer/attorney if you're seriously injured and someone else is at fault this is because the medical payments insurers will be required to reduce its payback claim from your settlements by attorneys fees and costs as an example of this my client dog was in Florida he lived in California he owned a car in California but he was walking in Miami beach Florida when a car hit him you can see the dent on the hood of the car dog was propelled onto the hood of the car and he broke his ankle now we ultimately settled the case with Geico for $65000 even though they're opening offer was a fraction of that.

You'll owe Medpay less with a lawyer

Now Doug had medical payments coverage on his car insurance policy with farmers in California even though he was a pedestrian farmer paid medical payments coverage towards his medical providers in this case so between farmers medical payments coverage and he had Medicare and the Medicare supplement plans they all paid about $12000 like I said we settled the settlement for $65000 and we were able to get farmers and Medicare and the Medicaid supplement to reduce their lean the. Okay $8000 they payback amount from the total settlement that put an extra $40000 in dogs pocket again another huge reason to get attorneys if you have medical payments coverage for Medicare just like medical payments coverage Medicare is required to reduce the claim that it takes to get paid back from the total settlement by your pro Ratta attorneys fees and costs that can result in a huge savings to you guy because opening offer to dub was $14780 now if Doug didn't had an attorney what would he have done we have asked for 15000 would he have asked for 20000 would have known that the value of its case with $65000 I doubt it these guy could just as in any insurance adjusters seasoned negotiators, that will convince you to take bottom dollar for your case and you will leave money on the table for example in one case my client did not have health insurance that's another huge time we should get an attorney because you're gonna need to get the proper medical treatment if you're badly injured.

Medicare must reduce lien by your lawyer fees 

 An attorney can refer you to the doctors and the doctors will agree to not get paid until the end of the case when you settle it and you need to make sure that your case is assigned to the proper insurance adjuster I received a call from Angela who's son Zach was injured in a car accident and their friend was driving a rental vehicle and she had been dealing with the rental car insurance adjuster 4 Zacks Caithness act a broken arm he ultimately had surgery on a plate and screws put in his arm but she reached out to me because she was frustrated that she wasn't getting anywhere with the insurance company.

Get a lawyer if you don't have health insurance & you're hurt

Now she ultimately decided to hire me and even though she had been dealing with the insurance company for months Zack's case wasn't even assigned to the proper insurance adjuster in other words there wasn't even a bodily injury liability insurance adjuster setup and assigned for the case. One of the first things I did when I got the case is, I got it to bodily injury liability adjuster, and Zach ended up being thrilled with the settlement. But the bottom line is they essentially were delaying her case, by not getting the case to the right insurance adjuster.

Insurance company delayed $170K payout WITHOUT a lawyer

Don't expect a rental car insurance company or an insurance company to tell you that you're entitled to payment suffering when you are or even to get your case that right adjuster now after is my attorney's fees costs and paying back the small medical bill in Zach's case he received $113260 in his pocket the reason why the medical bill was only $43 and there is no other medical bills, in this case, was because I had Medicaid and he was in a rental car so he was entitled to P. I. P. and he got medical payments coverage from the driver of his car so Medicaid would have paid less than P. I. P. and medical payments coverage paid, so the hospital wrote off the balance and charged him nothing.

Which doctors kill your case

Another reason to hire a personal injury attorney who said attorneys can tell you which doctors can kill your case you can literally go to one doctor he'll say that your injuries were related to the accident. and another doctor will see your injuries are not related to the accident and maybe you're faking your pain you're exaggerating your pain or maybe they don't even notice from the questionnaire whether you were involved in a car accident and that doesn't get documented earlier on in the insurance company tries to use that against you doctors are very very important in personal injury cases and if you're going to hire a personal injury attorney.

Hire an injury lawyer licensed in the state of the accident

I highly recommend only hiring an attorney who is licensed in the state where your car or bike accident happened.

Do Not Hire any auto or car accident attorney.

Some attorneys advertise in other states that they're not even licensed to practice and I do not recommend hiring an attorney who's doing that, 

1. it's an illegal 

2. they're not gonna know the state laws and 

3. they're not even licensed in the state so they can legally file a lawsuit.

If the attorney is willing to break the law by practicing law in another state who knows what they're gonna do your settlement funds at the end of the case.

The Reasons Why you Should Hire a Personal Injury or Bike or car Accident Attorney in Florida, in San Antonio Taxes  

The first reason to hire a personal injury attorney for badly injured is that sometimes insurance companies deny liability in some cases and they offer nothing in your only remedy the only way to make it right is to file a lawsuit while you legally could file a lawsuit filing a lawsuit without an attorney is a disaster waiting to happen in a personal injury case.  I'm not talking about filing lawsuits generally non-injury cases for small claims,

I'm talking about personal injury cases the laws are very complex it costs around $450 or so to file a lawsuit and serve one defendant and the costs go up from there for deposition you need to pay court reporters, expert witnesses, etc. costs can get expensive very quickly. the goal of any personal injury attorney should be to try to resolve the case without a lawsuit if possible but if a lawsuit is necessary at least you have an attorney who can file it for you.

 I've represented many people whose offer was $0 before I filed a lawsuit and we were able to get a large recovery during the lawsuit if you have Medicaid in your badly injured and someone else is at fault you should definitely hire an attorney I've got a Medicaid plans to reduce their payback amount where they've paid money for medical bills and then I settled the case in may the man getting paid from the settlement,

for example, in Shinkiva's case she was a passenger in a car she had an acetabular fracture which is a fractured hip socket she did not need surgery, fortunately, you can see a picture of her getting taken out of the car here so she had Molina Medicaid and they demanded to get paid back every penny that they paid for her claim I sent them a letter explaining to them that that is not the law in Florida because their Medicaid HMO and this ultimately put $500 more and Shinkiva's keep his pocket $500 is a lot of money but had medic he paid a tremendous amount of money the savings could be even much much larger than that but Medicaid sent a very strong letter to me saying that they were entitled to get every dollar they pay they cited federal laws and the latter, if you're not a personal injury attorney who's done this for over a decade or longer a letter seems very very convincing.

 Another reason to hire a personal injury attorney or car accident attorney in San Antonio taxes or in Florida they can get you to a one-time examination with the doctor and pay for it this happened the case mine where my client was on a motorcycle and a car made a left-hand turn and hit my client and my client did not have health insurance I sent my client to the medical group who treated him in exchange for waiting to get paid at the end of the case however my client also had a bruised testicle and a doctor told me to send my client to a urologist for a one-time examination I did that the urologist wanted several hundred dollars for the visit and report and I was allowed to pay for the service upfront but unless you're prepared to spend the several hundred dollars up-front and you have to know who the doctors are.

A personal injury or car accident attorney can pay for a 1-time medical exam

Now certain specialties don't often do a personal injury case so it's even tougher to find a urologist it took a little bit of basking around to find a urologist but I found the right urologist and we settled the case with Geico who insured the other car for $100000 my client also had a meniscus repair and a herniated disc but without an attorney, he would not have been able to get medical treatment. if you're on the fence about whether you should hire an attorney or not and you are badly injured at least call an attorney get a free consultation.

Ask the attorney, " what savings can you get me?" explain to me how you can reduce my medical payments lean my Medicaid lean my Medicare lean my health insurance plan my worker's compensation only how can you potentially use P.I.P. to pay back another insurance. Ask them exactly what they can do for you.

Health insurance may have to reduce its payback claim by your lawyer fees

 If you have health insurance and someone else because you're injuring your badly injured you should definitely get an attorney let me give you an example I represented Angela who slipped and fell at a hotel and we settled on our case for $250,000. Now she was not getting anywhere with the hotel and she was exhausted so she decided to hire me the hotel first offer was $12,500 to us and we eventually settled for $250,000 Now Angela had a health plan through a local government and they paid $23191 towards her medical bills because Angela had an attorney me, in this case, her health insurance had to reduce by at a minimum my attorney fees and costs pro-rata I also argued that you. To the allegations that the hotel's insurance company blamed Angela for causing the accident.

And they said that they weren't at fault for causing it I got them to accept $7430 that put an extra $15000 in Angele's pocket if Angela would not have had an attorney the health insurance company would not have been required to reduce its payback claimed by her attorney's fees and costs after my attorney fees and cost and paying back the health insurance company Angela got $157,353 in her pocket. She was thrilled.

Paying taxes on an injury settlement

Another reason to hire a personal injury attorneys or car accident attorney San Antonio Huston, or in Florida Sate they can negotiate the settlement language of your release and this is big news while most personal injury cases are non taxable the IRS does not tax you on them if certain language is not in there the settlement could be taxable so the this is a very specific area of the law you need to make sure the proper languages in there don't expect an insurance company to put language in there that favors you they're just simply not going to do that most of the time and if your child is badly injured in an accident you definitely should get an attorney if someone else is at fault this is because the settlement will likely need court approval in Florida where I practiced settlements over $15000 the court approval in some settlements needed guardianship of the property or structured settlement sat up also someone's killed in an accident and someone else is at fault you definitely need an attorney in that case a probate in other words in the state is going to need to get set up that's expensive that cost around $3000 to hire an attorney for that plus or minus and you need to ask yourself if you're willing to pay that money up front.

If you hire an attorney the probate attorney can agree to wait to get paid for their services until the end of the case the settlement to learn how to maximize the value of your personal injury case in the shortest amount of time possible click here and stay tuned . have a wonderful day.

For More Detailed you can watch this video:

Learn when NOT to get to a personal injury lawyer or a Car Accident Attorney in San Antonio, Huston, Texas, or in Florida, for a car accident slip, and fall, or another injury claim. 

You'll also find out when you should hire an attorney for a car accident or other injury case. I give you real settlement examples showing exactly how much money clients were able to save by hiring a lawyer. You must watch this video if you're thinking about handling your own injury case. 

You'll see real examples of how insurance companies can take advantage of you. And you will see some huge secrets that insurance companies don't want you to know about. ❤️

 If you were seriously injured in Florida, and are considering hiring a lawyer, complete this short form to see if I can represent you: 

That's the fastest way for me to tell you if I can represent you. If you prefer, you can call us at 888-594-3577 to see if I can represent you if someone caused your injury in Florida, or on a cruise. You can call me any day of the year.

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