
Superfuse has super fuses

Like Gatsby, I guess I know the power of the green light. Out on the dock, down in the dungeon - the light! The light! I reach for it. I can't wait. It's not love. It's better than love. It's - wait! It's only the chance to split my fireballs into three and ping them all off in different directions.

Superfuse is an action RPG very much in the style of the Diablo games, You see things from an above-ish angle, and you are small as you crawl across the various faces of the game's worlds, surrounded by hordes of swarming, kiting nasties who it is altogether a pleasure to smash to pieces. You kill, and you get more powerful as you kill. More XP, which means levels and skill points. More gold. More loot. More of an understanding, perhaps, of how the game likes to stage a fight.

And then! The green light.

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